Qusay Tariq defends About (Ahmad Shirvan) against Kurdishs trial

مطلق الحملة: قصي طارق qusay tariq

موجهة ل: political parties and all supporters of freedom and the organizations concerned

التاريخ: 26-05-2014

Qusay Tariq defends About (Ahmad Shirvan) against Kurdishs trial

Raise my voicehigh and appeal to political parties and all supporters of freedom and the organizations concerned, the defense of human rights in the region and outside the region to do the role and mission immediately and rush to launch campaigns for the defense of the young man (Ahmed Shirvan) and protection, and the protection of freedom (of thought, belief and expression) in the Kurdistan region. ...

TheOrder of the President of the region to form a neutral committee to investigate the issue of exposure citizen Ahmed Shirvan physical torture and psychological harassment and the other suffered during the investigation and in the period of his detention by the Commission of Inquiry, and to remind the concerned authorities in the region in Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human rights, which states: Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion;

Inthe first day of the trial in June, "Ahmed Shirvan", on the day of the World Childhood specifically if the ruling authorities in the Kurdistan region draws frightening message to the kids on holiday in Kurdistan, baby!!!!

Tostand with Ahmed in this ordeal, which does not of his own, but is the responsibility of every human being seeks to express his freedom in his positions and beliefs and practice pressure on the Kurdistan Regional Government to stop legal action against "Ahmed" and officially recognized and legally in the freedom of expression and freedom of belief.


محور الحملة: حقوق الأطفال                     عدد زوار الحملة: 16962


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و المال اللى زوجى جمعه خلال حياته ياللى اودعتهم بقسم التأمينات الخاضع للامم المتحده حتى عائلتى قد غادرت سوريا قبل ان اغادر و هلا انا بعيش بمخيم للاجئين هون بالولايات المتحده مع اطفالى الاثنين و بسعى الى الجوء السياسى و كل ياللى بدى اياه هلا انى مو احصل رجل اعمال فقط انا احتاج الى ناس تخاف الله مشان يساعدنى بمحنتى و و مساعدتى فى شراء بيت لى لاضمن مكان اقامه آمن لى و لاطفالى مشان ننتقل لبلده و نبدأ حياه جديده و ننسى الماضى و اللى شفناه فيه

مع تحياتى
نوران عبد الحليم حسن
31-05-2014 SALAM KUBBA العراق Engineer


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