The International Campaign to Deter the Iraqi Government from Detaining, Torturing and Shooting the Demonstrators in the Iraqi Cities The Worker- Communist Party of Iraq declares an international world-wide campaign to implement the highest degree of pressure on the Iraqi Government to desist from violence and terrorism against the demonstrators, who have protested side by side with the masses of the region since mid February 2011 demanding better living conditions and political freedom. As it is clear the government has not tolerated the peaceful protests and demonstrations. Since the first day of the demonstrations, they have used various methods of intimidation and terrifying against the masses to avert them expressing their will and demands.We address all those who support the legitimate demands of Iraqi people to support this campaign by putting pressure on the Iraqi Government to respect the will of the masses either by responding to their demands or step down from power.We call upon all left-wing and communist parties, worker and trade unions and human rights organisation to sign up this petition and send their protest letters to authoritarian government of Maliki. At the same time we ask you to send a copy of your letters to us via this E-mail: wcpiraq.1993@gmail.comYour protest letters can be sent to Maliki and Talabani via the following e-mail addresses:Maliki?s office e-mail: info@pmo.iqTalbani?s office e-mail: questions@iraqipresidency.netIf you want to sign the petition please send an e-mail to: wcpiraq.1993@gmail.com To sign the Arabic related campaign , please clickhttp://www.ahewar.org/camp/i.asp?id=303 The Worker- Communist Party of Iraq
شارك بهذه الحملة على الفيسبوك والتويتر
آخر 20 توقيع - من الممكن الاطلاع على التواقيع الأخرى من خلال الأرقام الموجودة أسفل قائمة التوقيعات
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حقوق النسخ واعادة النشر متاحة للجميع مع الإشارة إلى المصدر - الحملات المنشورة لا تعبر بالضرورة عن رأي الموقع Contact us